Board Meeting: December 5, 2016

Meeting called to order at 7:05p

In board members in attendance:
Kathy Toben
Karen Bruns

Jean Walrack has resigned from the board. We thank her for all her help

Al Siblik has moved.

We will discuss with our lawyer the possibility of taking delinquent dues owners to small claims court. We currently lien their priorities.

A letter will be sent the Ross family regarding the
Day care center that their renters are doing out if their house.

The Napolitanos have been sent a fine letter regarding their above ground pool.

A fine letter will be sent to the Adesunloyes regarding their metal roof on their covered area above their pool.

The SWS work on North Solon has been finished.
Next year he remainder will be completed. Once completed it will have to be inspected by Trent Turner from the village.

Kathy read Al’s report on the SWS. The overgrown area around the pond will be left as it is. She reinforced the fact the Al will stay on at no charge as a consultant on the project.

Rich LaCropane fuggedted that the new owners be supplied with a copy at closing if the covenants.

Our next meeting will be 12-05-16

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40p